Some further thoughts on in-universe branding

In an earlier post, I wrote that I like to play a little game whenever a ‘custom Mandalorian’ costumer comes across my feed. The game is called ‘how many mythosaurs will this costume have?, and which pieces of kit will they randomly adorn?’
Unlike the ur-Mandalorian example (Boba Fett) who bore a single small mythosaur on a pauldron, the ‘custom Mando’ crowd seemingly can’t help but slap them everywhere: side of the helmet, on their cape, covering their entire chest armor, on their blaster stocks, on their belt buckle…sometimes all of the above???
What does this have to do with a truck covered in bald eagles and American flags? I’m glad you asked!

Continue reading “Some further thoughts on in-universe branding”

The ethical dilemma of rationalizing DisneyCanon with the EU

As always, apologies for the recent delay in posting…real life takes priority from time to time. I try to post a decent variety of content—see the CATEGORIES menu over there >>>>> —and when it comes to ‘Artifact ID’ series, I’m afraid I’ve hit a bit of a bottleneck. You see, I have several identified artifacts queued up and ready to share, but there’s a problem – they’re all from Rogue One Colon A Star Wars Story…and as you may have noticed if you’ve been following along, I’m not really a consumer of post-Disney Star Wars content.
With that in mind, I’d like to take a break from our regularly scheduled content to share my thought process and try and get to the bottom of this recent quandary.
Continue reading “The ethical dilemma of rationalizing DisneyCanon with the EU”

Project: ‘Strength and Obedience’ Imperial propaganda

In the course of a recent apartment move, I realized that I had a large project kicking around that I never got around to sharing when I finished it (probably because it’s not technically finished! 😉

Just a teaser…full image after the jump!

Continue reading “Project: ‘Strength and Obedience’ Imperial propaganda”

Event Debrief: 2 Feb 2019

It’s that time of year again, when events start popping up that are in serious need of a Rebel presence. And so we return again to another season of Event Debriefs!
2-2-19This was actually my second such event in the last week, but the first one (of 26 January) was much less about the Star Wars side of things and more about the activism-propaganda distribution/social disruption side, and so was far less productive/successful.
Continue reading “Event Debrief: 2 Feb 2019”