Building the Inner Persona: Curses and Interjections

In this installment of the Inner Persona miniseries, we’ll continue to expand our mental ‘word-hoard’ by adding some words and phrases from the Star Wars galaxy you can use to spice up  your in-universe speech. If you’re portraying a character from the rougher side of the Galaxy, the saltier the better!

While we on modern Earth—depending on the decade—use words like swell, cool, awesome, or lit to express appreciation for something we like, the GFFA has “wizard” (Episode I), “rugged” (Rogue Planet), and “prime” (Galaxy of Fear)!

“As stars live and die!”
– “Blast!”, “Blast it!” (can’t go wrong with this classic)
“By all the souls of Alderaan!” (Rogue Squadron)
Chuba chips!”, “Chuba chunks!” and “Chuba lips” are all used by Ratts Tyerell in Jabba’s Game Galaxy
“Emperor’s bones!” (Rogue Squadron #2)
“Emperor’s black bones!”
Flaming: as in, “this flaming coastline is full of coves,” (Last of the Jedi #4: Death on Naboo)
“Force-forsaken” used as a replacement for Godforsaken; I’m not a fan.
Frell, frelling (Republic Commando)
Frip, fripping (often used in Death Star, all the way up to “un-fripping-believable!”

Frizz, frizzled: said to be a common swear among smugglers in the Old Republic; first appears in Luceno’s Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
“Get warped!” (Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight)—with the meaning of ‘piss off!’
“Great nebulae!” (TPM Anakin Skywalker comic)
– “Holy Hutt!” (Marooned, Tales #22)–would this be a reference to Boonta?
– “Holy stars!” (A Spark Remains)
Kark, karked, karking (Republic Commando)
– Kriff, kriffing
Milking (very prevalent in Death Star, and modifiable all the way up to Holy milking Sith!”, reportedly a Sullustan exclamation (MedStar II: Jedi Healer) equivalent to “Holy fucking shit!”
“Son of a raitch!” (DS)
– “Sithspawn!”
– “Sithspit!”
(possibly Corellian in origin, but eventually commonplace)
– “Stang”
(Alderaanian origin?) Used frequently in Rogue Squadron comics, as both interjection and verb (‘Stang the luck!’)
“Star’s end!”
– ?Vape/vaping is a mild expletive originating from Alderaan, roughly equivalent to “damn.”
Varp is probably a related expletive, used in phrases such as “What the varp?!”
“What in the Cloak of the Sith?” (Rogue Squadron #1)
“What in the Emperor’s Black Heart…” (I, Jedi)
“What in the name of all the stars?” (Dark Forces: Jedi Knight audiodrama)
“What the stars…” – as in “What the stars kinda ship is this?” (Fire Carrier)

This list is by no means exhaustive, and I’m sure there are probably tons more choice words that I haven’t come across yet, so leave a comment and I’ll be happy to add them in!

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